
作者: 来源:yl6809永利 发布日期:2023年06月15日





  2015.9-2022.12 北京林业大学,湿地生态学专业,理学博士 

  2021.2-2022.2 哥本哈根大学,土壤生态学专业,博士联合培养 

  2023.6就职 永利集团,生态学专业 




科研工作:研究方向:湿地生物地球化学循环,主要关注气候变化背景下湿地生态系统中植物、土壤碳库动态变化和碳排放的响应。累积参与发表 SCI论文15篇,中文核心论文12篇,发明专利 1 项。 



Zhang,X.Y.,Li,Q.W.,Gao,J.Q.*,Hu,Y.H.,Song,M.H.,& Yue,Y.2020.Effects of rainfall amount and frequency on soil nitrogen mineralization in Zoige alpine wetland.European Journal of Soil Biology, 97. 

Hu,Y.H., Zhang,X.Y.,Zhang,K.,Song,M.H.,Gao,J.Q.*,Dorodnikov, M.,Soromotin,A.,& Kuzyakov,Y. 2021.Tussock microhabitats increase nitrogen uptake by plants in an alpine wetland. Plant and Soil, 466(12): 569-580. 

Li,Q.W.,Zhang,X.Y.,Liang,J.F., Gao, J.Q.*, & Yu, F.H. 2021. High nitrogen uptake and utilization contribute to the dominance of invasive Spartina alterniflora over native Phragmites australis. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 

Li,Q.W., Liang,J.F.,Zhang, X.Y.,Feng,J.G.,Song, M. H.,& Gao, J.Q *. 2021.Biochar addition affects root morphology and nitrogen uptake capacity in common reed (Phragmites australis ). The Science of the total environment, 766: 144381. 

Liang,C.,Yue,Y., Gao, J. Q.*, Zhang, X.Y.,Li,Q.W.,& Yu,F.H.2022. Effects of soil moisture on organic and inorganic nitrogen uptake by dominant plant species in Zoige alpine wetlands. Ecological Indicators, 141. 


